SkyTrak Connection Guide using Direct Mode

For best results we recommend using SkyTrak in Wi-Fi Direct mode.
To prevent losing connection to the internet and therefore online mode in TGC your computer has to be connected through an ethernet cable.

Alternatively, you could use a second Wi-Fi adapter to connect with the SkyTrak while remaining a Wi-Fi connection to your router. For example, using a USB Wi-Fi adapter.

Once your second Wi-Fi adapter is in place, you can click on your network icon on the bottom right corner next to the system tray. The icon may look like this depending on your current network status.


Open the network menu by clicking the network icon. A menu will pop up with your current connection to the router. For ease of purpose we'll call this the main adapter or adapter #1. You can switch to the second adapter which we are going to use to connect to the SkyTrak device by pressing the dropdown menu at the top highlighted in the picture below.

Next select the second Wi-Fi adapter. This will open the network menu for Adapter #2.
Find your SkyTrak device usually listed as SKYTRAK_######

(Your serial number is found on the bottom of the device)

Make sure the "Connect automatically" checkmark is selected and press "Connect"


Your SkyTrak should be successfully connected to your PC!

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