Applies to Version: 2.93f6
Note: The interface settings do not require any major adjustments besides setting the port for communication with the sensor systems and the camera configuration. The default settings are tested to work with any type of player.
SETTINGS SCREEN (ProTeeGolf Interface -> Settings -> Clubs)
Club speed adjustment factor [Slider: 0,5 to 1,5] [Default: 1]
This setting will adjust the club speeds measurements from the base sensor system.
The "Global" slider will make changes to all the clubs. The club sliders will make changes to each individual club. The "Global" slider will add an extra value to the individual club slider.
Example: The clubspeed of an iron 7 is measured by the sensor system at 70mph. If the Iron 7 club slider is set to 1,1 the end result shown on the analysis screen and used inside the simulation physics engine will be 77mph (70x1.1). When the global slider is set to 1,5 the end result will be 115.5mph (70x1.1x1.5).
Note: We recommend not to change these settings to get more or less distance inside the game. Use the Ball Drag settings instead.
Side spin adjustment factor [Slider: 0,01 to 2] [Default: 1]
This setting will adjust the side spin (increase or reduce) of the golf ball used in the physics engine of the game.
The "Global" slider will make changes to all the sides spins created by all clubs. The club sliders will make changes to each individual club. The "Global" slider will add an extra value to the individual club slider.
Example: The side spin calculated for a specific shot with an iron 7 is 3500rpm. This will make a ball curve to the left or right (draw, fade, slice, etc). If the value for the iron 7 is set to 0,01 the new side spin for the iron 7 will be 35rpm which will make the ball go straight and not curve at all.
Note: We recommend not to change these settings to make it easier instead. Use the "Play mode" slider on the main settings screen instead.
SETTINGS SCREEN (ProTeeGolf Interface -> Settings -> Ball)
Ball speed adjustment factor [Slider: 0,5 to 1,5] [Default: 1]
This setting will adjust the ball speed measured by the balltrack part of the base sensor system.
Example: The ballspeed measured by the balltrack when playing with an iron 7 is 100mph. When the value is set to 1,05 the ballspeed will increase. The final value will be 105mph (100x1.05). When the value is set to 0,75 the ballspeed will decrease. The final value will be 75mph (100x0.75).
Drag adjustment factor [Slider: 0,5 to 1,5] [Default: 1]
This setting will adjust the drag factor of the ball used by the game physics engine. Drag is a force used in the physics engine to pull the ball down to the ground. A low value means less drag which results in longer flight time and thus more distance. A higher value will force the ball to go down quicker and means less fligh time and thus less distance. This setting has no effect on the actual measurements from the sensor systems. This setting will have an affect on the ball behavious in the game.
Example: Iron 7 shots feel they do not give enough distance when hitting full. Settings the drag adjustment slider to 0,90 will give approx 30 yards more distance. This is no hard value. The drag factor is relative to other factors. Please be careful when adjusting these values.
Lift adjustment factor [Slider: 0,5 to 1,5] [Default: 1]
This setting will adjust the initial lift of the ball. Like the drag factor this is a relative setting to controll the physics engine. A lower value will give the ball more lift. To get more distance we advise you to only use the drag factor and not to adjust any lift factors.
ProTee Golf Simulator 2.0 - The Ultimate Golf Simulator for home and commercial use.