The PointGrey machine vision camera driver can be found on the ProTee DVD March 2012 and later in the folder \Utilities\Camera Driver.
You can also download the latest drivers from PointGrey Research.
IMPORTANT! Please make sure you use the x86 version (not the 64bit drivers) in order for the DirectShow drivers to work.
1] Run the driver installer software
2] Accept the terms in the license agreement and click NEXT
3] Click NEXT on the release notes
4] Enter user information and click NEXT
5] Select a folder for the driver to install and click NEXT
6] Choose the setup type. Select COMPLETE and click NEXT
7] Select to use the PGRUSBCam - USB Camera Driver only and click NEXT
8] Confirm the driver selection and click NEXT
9] Allow the installer to register the DirectShow DLL's (VERY IMPORTANT!) and click NEXT
10] Click INSTALL
After installation you must restart the computer.
Download FlyCapture Driver version 2.2.14 here.