Keyboard Shortcuts
ESC = Pause Menu >>
Resume Game - Resumes the game
Rewind Shot - Take a mulligan
Auto-rewind - Auto rewind to previous ball position
Declare Unplayable - Drop ball somewhere else
Watch Replay - Replay shots
Turn Order - Switch between turn based and head to head play
Scorecard - Display the scorecard
Change Rivals - Add or remove players
Recent Activity - View recent activity
Settings - Display setting menu
Restart Game - Restart the game
Exit Game - Back to main menu
Q = Scout Camera - Move camera to where the ball is supposed to land
E = Hole Overview
A = Aim left
D = Aim right
Z = Change club down / Change Ball Position when in drop or unplayable mode
X = Change club up / Change Ball Position when in drop or unplayable mode
J = Hole flyover
G = Turn on/off green grid
F = Remove flag
I = Show Swing Analysis window
W = Move ball forward when in drop or unplayable mode
S = Move ball backwards when in drop or unplayable mode
R = Auto Rewind
` = Select driver
1 = Select 3 wood
2 = Select 5 wood
3 = Select Iron 3
4 = Select Iron 4
5 = Select Iron 5
6 = Select Iron 6
7 = Select Iron 7
8 = Select Iron 8
9 = Select Iron 9
0 = Select Pitching Wedge
- = Select Sand Wedge
= = Select Lob Wedge
P = Select Putter
V = Switch ball view
E = Step backwards
ARROW LEFT = Aim left
ARROW RIGHT = Aim right
WSAD Keys when on GREEN = Move yellow aiming pole around